QPR Suicide Prevention Training

What is QPR?

QPR is an acronym for Question, Persuade, Refer. This is a non-clinical way to have a conversation about suicide with someone (perhaps a friend) that you are concerned about.

Ask the question: “Are you feeling suicidal?”

Persuade the person to share their feelings: “I’m so glad you’re talking to me about this. Can you tell me more?”

Refer the person to someone that is in a place to help them (a hotline, a school counselor, a parent, etc.)


What is involved in the QPR training for Peer Mentors?

All Peer Mentors hired by The NAN Project take part in a multi-day QPR training. During this time, they learn:

-more in-depth information about the above steps

-the myths and facts surrounding QPR and surrounding suicide

-suicide prevention strategies, risk factors, and warning signs

-effective ways to provide hope to those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts.

-Each Peer Mentor completes a role-play with the help of the trainers and other staff.


My students/faculty/community members would benefit from this training. Can you provide it for us?

The NAN Project offers this training to students, school staff, and community organizations free-of-charge, because we want to equip everyone with the tools to discuss suicide and mental health in a responsible, effective way. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in learning more about this training!

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