13 Reasons Why…. We Need To Talk About Suicide
13 Reasons Why…. We Need To Talk About Suicide
Hey Friends!
We’re glad to see you back! Welcome!
As promised, we have new, exciting and upcoming information to share with all of you!
Drumroll please….
I’m sure many of you have seen the Netflix series, or read the book, ’13 Reasons Why’. There is a lot of debate and controversy over the show. While some feel that the show raises awareness and opens up the conversation around suicide, many viewers have found the show to be triggering and/or misleading, and presented in a way that glamorizes suicide. Whatever your beliefs or thoughts about the show, we have decided to respond in a way that provides a more realistic picture of the experiences high schoolers go through, and educates viewers on what supports are available within their schools and communities. Thanks to help from the Department on Mental Health, we are now in the process of creating that response – ‘13 Reasons Why We Need To Talk About Suicide’ – which will address the realities that teens struggle with. This video will star none other than yours truly, us – the NAN Project Team! We will be covering a range of topics – mental health concerns, sex and relationships, drugs and alcohol, gender identity, sexuality, bullying, body image, peer relationships – that can lead to suicidal ideation.
If you’re interested in getting involved, let us know! We’re looking for team members from The NAN Project to speak about their experiences and struggles, as well as the supports they found in their lives to show others that there is help and there is hope!
We’re so excited and grateful for the opportunity to be working on this video which we hope to have completed by the end of the summer!
Thank you for tuning in NANNers! Come back in a few days to hear about more exciting news about the state of our organization!
Your fellow NANNer,
Heather Rotman