Our Partners

Our Partners

The NAN Project is happy to work in collaboration with following like minded organizations.

Active Minds – A college campus based group that empowers students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking.

Adolescent Wellness – An organization to simplify prevention of anxiety and depression along with the most tragic symptom, suicide.  Prevention is achieved by  addressing the protective factors of resilience, including the teaching of coping and problem solving skills.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) works to raise awareness, fund scientific research and provide resources and aid to those affected by suicide.

Interface at William & James College collects and categorizes a wide range of valuable resources related to mental health and wellness for the benefit of the general public — children, adults and families — as well as educators and mental health professionals.

The Josh Anderson Foundation’s mission is to provide teenagers with the mental health education, resources and support so that they will never turn to suicide.

Lawrence Arts House is an expressive arts open studio which serves as a home for authentic expression and healing through the arts.

The QPR Institute’s mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training using their three step procedure – Question, Persuade, and Refer – which anyone can employ.

Raw Art Works’ mission is to ignite the desire to create and the confidence to succeed in under-served youth through art based therapy and programs.

The Samaritans – seeks to reduce the incidence of suicide by alleviating despair, isolation, distress and suicidal feelings among individuals in our community, 24 hours a day; to educate the public about suicide prevention; and to reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

Screening for Mental Health educates, raises awareness, and screens individuals for common behavioral and mental health disorders and suicide using their SOS tool.

Teenage Anxiety and Depression Solutions (TADS) – a group led by young people with a mission  to raise awareness about mental health issues in our society, especially depression and anxiety, and in so doing, help to prevent suicide.

If you need help and want to talk to someone, call:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)

For the Crisis Text Line, text “Listen” to 741-741

For the Samaritans, Call or Text (877)870-4673

For immediate crisis evaluation call the Emergency Services Program / Mobile Crisis Intervention at 1-877-382-1609 & enter your zip code; you will get the phone number of the closest ESP/MCI that serves you.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911


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